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KHSAA Awards

Pinewood Derby Cub Scout Awards
Pinewood Derby Awards, Trophies, Resins, Plaques, Medals, Ribbon
Click the tabs below for different scouting award categories.- Trophy Packages
- Trophies
- Figurines/Resins
- Plaques
- Dog Tags
- Ribbons
- Medallions
- Tiles & Coasters
- Trophy Figures
- Egg Drop Competition
- Paper Airplane Derby
- Activity Inserts
- Specials
Pinewood Derby Racing Tower w/Trim Trophy Package - 5088RT-PACK
$47.50Set of three trophies with a Pinewood Derby figure, wide column and side trim in graduated heights of 16", 15", 14" with an optional 13" and 12" available.
Save Money when ordering a package compared to ordering individually!
Pinewood Derby Racing Flag Trophy Package - 5088C-PACK
$39.50Set of three trophies with a Pinewood Derby figure and Racing Flag riser in graduated heights of 15", 14", 13" with an optional 12" and 11" available.
Save Money when ordering a package compared to ordering individually!
Pinewood Derby Racing Flag w/Trim Trophy Package - 5088CT-PACK
$48.45Set of three trophies with a Pinewood Derby figure, Racing flag riser,side trim and column in graduated heights of 15", 14", 13" and with an optional 12" and 11" available.
Save Money when ordering a package compared to ordering individually!
Pinewood Derby Finish Line Trophy Package - 61034-PACK
$48.90Set of three trophies with a Pinewood Derby figure, side trim, rectangular column and oval riser in graduated heights of 18", 17" 16" and an optional 15".
Save Money when ordering a package compared to ordering individually!
Pinewood Derby Irish Trophy Package - 1263-PACK
$29.95Set of three trophies with a Pinewood Derby figure and column on a pedestal riser in graduated heights of 11", 10" and 9" with an optional 8" available.
Save Money when ordering a package compared to ordering individually!
Pinewood Derby Rookie Trophy Package - 8132-PWD-PACK
$24.35Set of three trophies with a Pinewood Derby figure and column in graduated heights of 9", 8", 7" with an optional 6" and 5" available.
Save Money when ordering a package compared to ordering individually!
Pinewood Derby Participation Star Trophy Package - 8696-PWD-PACK
$39.90Set of three trophies with a Star Insert figure and wide column in graduated heights of 15", 14", 13" with optional 12" available.
Click to see the available activity inserts.
Call us and ask about using your artwork or company logo on this award!
Pinewood Derby Walnut & Marble Trophy Package - 23825-PACK
$43.95Set of three trophies with a Pinewood Derby figure, walnut wood swirl column and side trim in graduated heights of 15", 14", 13" with an optional 12" and 11" available.
Save Money when ordering a package compared to ordering individually!
Pinewood Derby Interceptor Trophy Package - 61032-PACK
$39.95Set of three trophies with a Pinewood Derby figure, column and oval riser in graduated heights of 17", 16", 15" with an optional 14" and 13" available.
Save Money when ordering a package compared to ordering individually!
Pinewood Derby Pack Trophy Package - 61031-PACK
$34.35Set of three trophies with a Pinewood Derby figure, activity Insert,and column in graduated heights of 17", 16", 15" with optional 14" and 13" available.
Save Money when ordering a package compared to ordering individually!
Pinewood Derby Speedster Trophy Package - 4046-PACK
$33.20Set of three trophies with a Pinewood Derby figure and column on a star pedestal riser in graduated heights of 11", 10" and 9" with an optional 8" available.
Save Money when ordering a package compared to ordering individually!
SXSR - Set of 10 Trophies - SXSR
$124.50Set of ten trophies in Graduated heights of 11", 12", 13", 14", 15", 16", 17", 18", 19", and 20".
Convenient and Economical!
Raingutter Regatta Interceptor Trophy Package - 61032-RGD-PACK
$41.80Set of three trophies with a sailboat figure, column and oval riser in graduated heights of 19", 18" and 17" with an optional 16" and 15" available.
Save Money when ordering a package compared to ordering individually!
Raingutter Regatta Pack Trophy Package - 61031-RGD-PACK
$36.15Set of three trophies with a sailboat figure, column and oval riser in graduated heights of 19", 18"and 17" with an optional 16" and 15" available.
Save Money when ordering a package compared to ordering individually!
Raingutter Regatta Rookie Trophy Package - 8132-RGD-PACK
$25.30Set of three trophies with a Pinewood Derby figure and column in graduated heights of 11", 10", 9" with an optional 8" and 7" available.
Save Money when ordering a package compared to ordering individually!
Raingutter Regatta Speedster Package - 4046-RGD-PACK
$34.95Set of three trophies with a Raingutter Regatta Sailboat on a star pedestal riser in graduated heights of 11", 10" and 9" with an optional 8" available.
Pinewood Derby Trumpet-Cup Trophy Package - 422-PWD-PACK
$72.15Set of Three trophies, seven bronze medallions and a package of 25 ribbons.
Save Money when ordering a package compared to ordering individually!
Pinewood Derby Racing Trophy Package - BTW-PWD-PACK
$120.70Set of Three trophies, seven medallions and a color-imprinted ceramic tile.
Save Money when ordering a package compared to ordering individually!
Pinewood Derby Crusher Trophy Package - BTW-PWDC-PACK
$125.50Set of Three trophies, seven medallions and a color-imprinted stone tablet.
Save Money when ordering a package compared to ordering individually!
Pinewood Derby Participation Trophy Package - 8032-PWD-PACK
$104.95Set of Ten trophies, ten bronze medallions and a package of 25 ribbons.
Save Money when ordering a package compared to ordering individually!
Pinewood Derby Irish Trophy - 1263
From $8.45 to $10.15Pinewood Derby Trophy with Racing figure and round column on a stem riser.
Available in four sizes.
Pinewood Derby Walnut & Marble Trophy - 23835
From $14.95 to $17.05Pinewood Derby Trophy with figure, walnut wood column, and side trim on a marble base.
Available in five sizes.
Pinewood Derby Racing Riser Trophy w/ Trim - 5088MT
$13.309" Pinewood Derby Trophy with Racing Flag riser and side trim.
Pinewood Derby Racing Flag Trophy - 5088C
From $13.30 to $15.40Pinewood Derby figure on racing theme riser and round column on base.
Available in five sizes.
Pinewood Derby Racing Flag Trophy w/Side Trim - 5088CT
From $14.25 to $16.65Pinewood Derby figure on racing theme riser and round column and side trim on base.
Available in six sizes.
Pinewood Derby Racing Tower Trophy w/Trim - 5088RT
From $14.45 to $16.80Pinewood Derby figure on racing theme riser with side trim.
Available in five sizes.
Pinewood Derby Racing Flag Trophy - H453
From $14.85 to $15.70Trophy with racing flag activity insert holder and side trim. Available in three sizes.
Click to see the available activity inserts.
Call us and ask about using your artwork or company logo on this award!
Pinewood Derby Riser Trophy- 2099
From $16.50 to $17.45Pinewood Derby Trophy with Activity Insert riser and trim. Available in three sizes.
Click to see the available activity inserts.
Call us and ask about using your artwork or company logo on this award!
Participation Star Trophy - 8696
From $14.95 to $16.70Star Activity Insert holder Trophy. Available in four sizes!
Click to see the available activity inserts.
Call us and ask about using your artwork or company logo on this award!
Pinewood Derby Speedster Trophy - 4046
From $12.30 to $14.10Pinewood Derby trophy with figure, column, and star riser.
Available in four sizes!
Pinewood Derby Pacer Trophy - 6103
$10.5010" Pinewood Derby trophy with Activity Insert Riser.
Click to see the available activity inserts.
Call us and ask about using your artwork or company logo on this award!
Pinewood Derby Rookie Trophy - 8132-PWD
From $7.75 to $10.15Pinewood Derby Figure with a round column on a base.
Available in five sizes!
Pinewood Derby Turbo Trophy - 61033
From $16.90 to $18.65Pinewood Derby trophy with round column, oval riser, figure and double side trims.
Available in four sizes.
Click to see the available activity inserts.
Call us and ask about using your artwork or company logo on this award!
Pinewood Derby Pack Trophy - 61031
From $12.40 to $14.65Pinewood Derby trophy with activity insert riser. Available in five sizes.
Click to see the available activity inserts.
Call us and ask about using your artwork or company logo on this award!
Pinewood Derby Interceptor Trophy- 61032
From $14.65 to $16.95Pinewood Derby trophy with round column, oval riser, figure and side trim.
Click to see the available activity inserts.
Call us and ask about using your artwork or company logo on this award!
Available in five sizes.
Pinewood Derby Finish Line Trophy- 61034
From $18.50 to $20.65Pinewood Derby trophy with figure, rectangular column and oval riser. Available in four sizes.
Click to see the available activity inserts.
Call us and ask about using your artwork or company logo on this award!
Pinewood Derby Designer Trophy- 8146-PWD
From $13.25 to $15.55Pinewood Derby Trophy with figure on column on bell riser with two trim figures.
Available in five sizes.
Pinewood Derby Mounted Figure Trophy- 8032-PWD
$5.95Pinewood Derby Pedestal-mounted figure on base.
Pinewood Derby Elite Trophy - 8145-PWD
From $11.50 to $14.50Pinewood Derby Figure with a column and side trim.
Available in six sizes!
Pinewood Derby Geneva Trophy - BTW2-PWD
From $29.50 to $31.85Bi-level trophy with activity insert riser on dual columns on a walnut-finished or black base. Available in three sizes.
Click to see the available activity inserts.
Call us and ask about using your artwork or company logo on this award!
Checkered Flag Crystal - 98120-8
From $146.65 to $224.30Checkered Flag Crystal.
Available in three sizes.
Motorsport Crystal - 98508-10
From $120.85 to $168.75Motorsport Piston Crystal.
Available in three sizes.
Star Power Pinewood Derby Racer Resin - 92547GS
$20.65 Sale Price: $16.557" Star Power Pinewood Derby Racer Resin-Cast Figurine
Flash Pinewood Derby Racer Resin - RC-448
$20.05 Sale Price: $16.054" "Flash" Pinewood Derby Racer Resin-Cast Figurine
Flyer Pinewood Derby Resin - MX534
$14.95 Sale Price: $12.005" Flyer Pinewood Derby Resin-Cast Figurine
Winner's Circle Pinewood Derby Resin - RFH516
$31.157-1/2" Winner's Circle Pinewood Derby Resin-Cast Figurine
Pinewood Derby Racer Resin - 50259-G
$27.60 Sale Price: $22.106" Pinewood Derby Racer Resin-Cast Figurine
Racing Flag Diamond Plate Resin - DPS70
$17.90 Sale Price: $14.354-1/2" Racing Flag Diamond Plate Resin-Cast Figurine
Cub Scout Clock Plaque - PC810-CS
$85.858" x 10" Plaque with clock and color Cub Scout themed back plate with your text.
Boy Scout Clock Plaque - PC810-BS
$85.858" x 10" Plaque with clock and color Boy Scout themed back plate with your text.
Cub Scout Popcorn Sales Plaque - SP46-68POP
From $17.85 to $26.90Cherry-finished plaque with white, color-imprinted plate with Popcorn design.
Available in three sizes.
Cub Scout Pinewood Derby Plaque - SP46-68PWD
From $17.85 to $26.90Cherry-finished plaque with white, color-imprinted plate with Pinewood Derby design.
Available in three sizes.
Cub Scout Raingutter Regatta Plaque - SP46-68RGD
From $17.85 to $26.90Cherry-finished plaque with white, color-imprinted plate with Raingutter Regatta design.
Available in three sizes.
Scouting Appreciation Plaque - SP912-SA
$55.359" x 12" Cherry-finished plaque with colorful Scouting theme and your personalized text.
Cub Scout Space Derby Plaque - SP46-68SPD
From $17.85 to $26.90Cherry-finished plaque with white, color-imprinted plate with Space Derby design.
Available in three sizes.
Pinewood Derby Plaque - PWD1250
$22.506" x 8" Cherry-finished Pinewood Derby plaque with Pinewood Derby car.
Activity Insert Plaque - E8503A-D
From $12.25 to $25.05Cherry-finished plaque with black engraving plate and your choice of activity insert.
Available in four sizes.
Click to see the available activity inserts.
Call us and ask about using your artwork or company logo on this award!
Racing Oval Plaque - OP54465
$58.6010-1/2" x 13" cherry-finished plaque with resin-filled Racing oval.
Price includes engraving!
Go-Kart Oval Plaque - OP54350
$58.60 Sale Price: $46.9010-1/2" x 13" cherry-finished plaque with resin-filled Go-Kart oval.
Price includes engraving!
Laser Engraved Cub Scout Dog Tag with Chain - KT300-PWD
$4.352" x 1-1/8" Laser Engraved Cub Scout Dog Tag with Chain
Pinewood Derby Ribbon Package - CSR-PACK
Placing ribbon sets of 1st thru 3rd, 1st thru 4th or 1st thru 5th places. Ribbons come with finished top, event card and string.
Pinewood Derby Ribbon
From $1.05 to $21.002" x 8" Pinewood Derby Cub Scout Ribbon with event card and string. Available in 1st - 5th Place and Participant.
Custom Cub Scout Pinewood Derby, Raingutter Regattta and Space Derby Ribbons - SCOUTS
Design your custom ribbon online.
Cub Scout Ribbon
From $1.05 to $21.002" x 8" I Did My Best Cub Scout Ribbon with finished top, eyelete, event card and string.
Raingutter Regatta Ribbon Package - RGR-PACK
Placing ribbon sets of 1st thru 3rd, 1st thru 4th or 1st thru 5th places. Ribbons come with finished top, event card and string.
Raingutter Regatta Ribbon
From $1.05 to $21.002" x 8" Raingutter Regatta Cub Scout Ribbon with event card and string. Available in 1st - 5th Place and Participant.
Space Derby Ribbon Package - SPD-PACK
Placing ribbon sets of 1st thru 3rd, 1st thru 4th or 1st thru 5th places. Ribbons come with finished top, event card and string.
Space Derby Cub Scout Ribbon - ISPD
$1.052" x 8" Space Derby Cub Scout Ribbon with event card and string. Available in 1st - 5th Place and Participant.
Pinewood Derby Medallion - 3D308-NR
$2.55Choice of Antique Gold, Silver, or Bronze finish. Includes neck ribbon or ribbon drape. Engraving optional on back.
2-1/4" Pinewood Derby Super Star Medallion - 43113-NR
$2.50Choice of Antique Gold, Silver, or Bronze finish. Includes neck ribbon or ribbon drape. Engraving optional on back.
2" Pinewood Derby "Banner Ribbon Burst" Medallion - G1M12-NR
$3.10Choice of Antique Gold, Silver, or Bronze finish. Includes neck ribbon or ribbon drape. Engraving optional on back.
2" Pinewood Derby Medallion - G2M12-NR
$3.10Choice of Antique Gold, Silver, or Bronze finish. Includes neck ribbon or ribbon drape. Engraving optional on back.
1-3/4" Pinewood Derby Medallion - PWD32113-NR
$4.20Choice of Antique Gold, Silver, or Bronze finish. Includes neck ribbon or ribbon drape. Engraving optional on back.
2-3/4" Activity Insert Medallion - XR-499-NR
$5.20Choice of Antique Gold, Silver, or Bronze finish and Activity Insert. Includes neck ribbon or ribbon drape. Engraving optional on back.
Cub Scout Sublimatable Ceramic Tile/Coaster - TILE-44-CS1
$9.954-1/4" x 4-1/4" Cub Scout Sublimatable Ceramic Tile/Coaster
Pinewood Derby Sublimatable Ceramic Tile/Coaster - TILE-44-CS2
$9.954-1/4" x 4-1/4" Pinewood Derby Sublimatable Ceramic Tile/Coaster
Trophy figures can be fitted on most our trophies to customize them for specific sports and events. We carry hundreds of trophy figure. Click here to see our entire list of trophy figures.
Pinewood Derby 3 - F9303
(no surcharge)Pinewood Derby 3 (3 inches tall)
(trophy figures are not sold separately)
Racing Wreath - F3038
(no surcharge)Racing Wreath (5 inches tall)
(trophy figures are not sold separately)
Winged Wheel - F4014
(no surcharge)Winged Wheel (4-3/4 inches tall)
(trophy figures are not sold separately)
Go-Kart - F8044
Surcharge: $2.00Go-Kart (5-1/2 inches tall)
(trophy figures are not sold separately)
Sailboat - F5034
Surcharge: $1.75Sailboat (6 inches tall)
(trophy figures are not sold separately)
Chef - F1282
Surcharge: $2.00Chef (7 inches tall)
(trophy figures are not sold separately)
Cub Scout Egg Drop Competition Plaque - SP46-68EDC
From $17.85 to $26.90Cherry-finished plaque with white, color-imprinted plate with Egg Drop design.
Available in three sizes.
Cub Scout Paper Airplane Derby Plaque - SP46-68PAD
From $17.85 to $26.90Cherry-finished plaque with white, color-imprinted plate with Paper Airplane Derby design.
Available in three sizes.
Flat Tire Award - A913
Surcharge: $1.00(activity inserts are not sold separately)
Pinewood Derby - A736
(no surcharge)(activity inserts are not sold separately)
Pinewood Derby 2 - A810
(no surcharge)(activity inserts are not sold separately)
Pinewood Derby Outlaw - A737
Surcharge: $1.00(activity inserts are not sold separately)
Racer - A606
(no surcharge)(activity inserts are not sold separately)
Turtle - A625
Surcharge: $1.00(activity inserts are not sold separately)
Bottle Rocket - A807
Surcharge: $1.00(activity inserts are not sold separately)
Chef - A618
Surcharge: $1.00(activity inserts are not sold separately)
Corn on the Cob - A624
Surcharge: $1.00(activity inserts are not sold separately)
Cub Scout Olympics - A668
Surcharge: $1.00(activity inserts are not sold separately)
Cubmobile - A730
Surcharge: $1.00(activity inserts are not sold separately)
Egg Drop - A909
Surcharge: $1.00(activity inserts are not sold separately)
Fishing Derby - A726
Surcharge: $1.00(activity inserts are not sold separately)
Girl Scouts - A244
(no surcharge)(activity inserts are not sold separately)
Paper Airplane Derby - A908
Surcharge: $1.00(activity inserts are not sold separately)
Popcorn Sales - A641
Surcharge: $1.00(activity inserts are not sold separately)
Racing Motion - A702
Surcharge: $0.75(activity inserts are not sold separately)
Raingutter Regatta - A634
Surcharge: $1.00(activity inserts are not sold separately)
Space Derby - A614
Surcharge: $1.00(activity inserts are not sold separately)
Star Power Pinewood Derby Racer Resin - 92547GS
$20.65 Sale Price: $16.557" Star Power Pinewood Derby Racer Resin-Cast Figurine
Flash Pinewood Derby Racer Resin - RC-448
$20.05 Sale Price: $16.054" "Flash" Pinewood Derby Racer Resin-Cast Figurine
Flyer Pinewood Derby Resin - MX534
$14.95 Sale Price: $12.005" Flyer Pinewood Derby Resin-Cast Figurine
Pinewood Derby Racer Resin - 50259-G
$27.60 Sale Price: $22.106" Pinewood Derby Racer Resin-Cast Figurine
Racing Flag Diamond Plate Resin - DPS70
$17.90 Sale Price: $14.354-1/2" Racing Flag Diamond Plate Resin-Cast Figurine
Go-Kart Oval Plaque - OP54350
$58.60 Sale Price: $46.9010-1/2" x 13" cherry-finished plaque with resin-filled Go-Kart oval.
Price includes engraving!